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Am ersten Mai wurde die Statue betitelt „Anything to Say?“ in Berlin enthüllt. Sie zeigt Edward Snowden, Julian Assange und Chelsea Manning, jeweils auf einem Stuhl stehend, als Lebensgroße Bronzefiguren.




Der italienische Künstler Davide Dormino stellte einen vierten, leerstehenden Stuhl. „It is for you“ ist die Aussage zu seinem Kunstwerk.

I believe in acts. Public Art has the power to make people grow and change their point of view. The chair has a double meaning. It can be comfortable, but it can also be a pedestal to rise higher, to get a better view, to learn more. They all chose to get up on the chairs of courage. They made their move in spite of becoming visible and thus judged. Many think they are traitors and terrorists. History never had a positive opinion of contemporary revolutionaries. You need courage to act, to stand up on that empty chair even if it hurts.“


Das Konzept der Idee stammt vom amerikanischen Autor Charles Glass: Thanks to Assange, Snowden and Manning, you know the limits of freedom. You know you are spied on every hour of every day. […] Chelsea Manning is serving thirty-five years in an American federal prison. Julian Assange has been confined in England for four years without a single charge brought against him. Edward Snowden is trapped in Moscow. We will honour their courage by erecting a monument, designed by Italian sculptor Davide Dormino

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